
The proceedings of the conference will be published in “Galaxies”, an international, peer-reviewed open access journal published by MDPI AG (Switzerland). Our proceedings will appear in a special issue of the journal, with Drs. J. L. Gómez, A. P. Marscher, and S. G. Jorstad as guest editors.

All proceedings contributions will go through a (mild) peer-reviewed processes, to meet the standards of the Galaxies journal, and will be indexed in the ADS and Web of Science databases.

Detailed information for preparing and submitting your proceedings can be found in our special issue of the journal. Please note that there is NOT article processing charges for our proceedings, so that all contributions will be published free of charges.

As indicated in the instructions for authors, manuscripts should be submitted directly to the journal using their LaTeX template files, and using the default document class setting:

Page limits: 6 pages for posters, 8 pages for contributed talks, and 10 pages for invited talks.

EXTENDED deadline for submitting your contribution: September 5th, 2016